What is Red Ribbon Week?
Ribbon Week is designed to give you and your kids skills that will discourage substance abuse and help them stay healthy! Students will participate in a different activity each day at school to help encourage healthy choices.
Red Ribbon Challenges
(Drug Abuse Prevention)
(choose one activity below)
🍽️ Make and Eat Dinner as a Family
💬 Make a Conversation Jar
Click Here for Printable
🎲 Play "Dice Breakers"
Click Here for Printable
🍀 Complete 5 in a row on "Wildcat Connection BINGO"
Click Here for Printable
🛼 Attend Classic Skate Night on Nov 9, 5-8:30
More Info Below
White Ribbon Challenges
(Being Smart and Safe Online)
(choose one activity below)
📝 Write 10 Things You are Grateful for About Your Body
💻 Play Interland, an online game designed to help kids make smart choices while exploring online
Click Here to Play
🎬 With your parents, download a media safety app such as Family Link
Download Here
🛼 Attend Classic Skate Night on Nov 9, 5-8:30
More Info Below
Green Ribbon Challenges
(Mental Health Awareness)
(choose one activity below)
⚔️ Practice the skills on the "Big Feelings Battle Cards"
Click Here for Printable
🧽 Perform a Random Act of Kindness
😘 Play "What I Like About You" with your Family or Friends
Give each person a stack of paper and a pencil. Call out the name of one of your family members (or one child in the class) and ask everyone to write that name on the top of the paper. Now write down something you love (or like) about that person. Fold in half, and throw the papers into a hat. Continue until you have written something about everyone. Now pass the hat around and take turns pulling out a paper and reading what is on it out aloud.
💌 Complete 5 in a Row on Self-Care BINGO
Click Here for Printable
🛼 Attend Classic Skate Night on Nov 9, 5-8:30
More Info Below
Classic Skate Night Details
Thursday November 9th 5 - 8:30 pm
All Willow Springs Families and Friends are invited for FREE SKATING ADMISSION at Classic Fun Center in Sandy! Bring your own Roller Skates, Roller Blades, or Scooter (or rent them there for $3)
For unlimited play in The Jungle, Bounce World, Blast Zone, or Laser Tag, upgrade as you enter for $10.
Why Classic Skate Night?
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention identified connection between individuals as a protective factor for good mental health.
Community connection decreases risk for future substance abuse in kids, and real-life connection helps kids to have more empathy and discourages cyber bullying online.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2011) identified connection between individuals (friends, neighbors, co-workers, etc.) as a protective factor against suicide.
Come join us for a fun night together with our Willow Springs Community! We would love to see each of you there!
What is taught during Ribbon Week?
There will be no change to instruction during this week. Our goal with this week is to create an opportunity for families to have these conversations at home with their students. The only Ribbon Week materials or challenges that will be given to your students are shared here on this page.